🥰️ Crepes vs Pancakes? #Shorts-Einfaches Crepes Anleitung für Anfänger, um mühelos genießbar Crepes zuzubereiten.

Crepes vs Pancakes? #Shorts - Crepes sind berühmt für ihre hauchdünnen Pfannkuchen, welche eine glatter sind als herkömmliche Pfannkuchen, was sie zu einer perfekten Leinwand für zahlreiche Füllungen prädestiniert. Crepes können süß oder herzhaft sein und sind eine hervorragende Mahlzeit dar - sei es zum Frühstück, Mittagessen oder Abendessen.

Crepes vs Pancakes? #Shorts

Personally, I pick crepes! They are easier to make, use fewer ingredients and you can eat more of them since they are less filling! Try my foolproof crepe recipe and decide for yourself :) #shorts #CrepesRecipe

Music: Ice Tea Musician: Not The King

BETH’S FOOLPROOF CREPE RECIPE Makes 8 Crepes *PRINT RECIPE HERE*https://entertainingwithbeth.com/foolproof-crepe-recipe/

INGREDIENTS 1 cup (120 g) of All-Purpose Flour 2 cups (475 ml) of milk 1 tablespoon (13 g) sugar pinch of salt 2 eggs, beaten well 4 tablespoon (60 ml) melted butter assorted jams for filling powdered sugar for dusting grapeseed oil for greasing pan (or some other non-flavored oil like vegetable oil or canola oil)

INSTRUCTIONS In a large bowl add the flour, then pour in the milk, and whisk until very smooth. Then add the sugar and salt and beaten eggs. Then add the melted butter.

Dab some grapeseed oil on a paper towel and liberally grease a non-stick 12" skillet. Heat pan on high heat, until very hot.

Ladle out 1 serving of batter with a standard-sized soup ladle. Swirl batter around the pan, until it completely covers the bottom, but does not ride up on the sides. Your crepe will be easier to flip and remain more uniform in shape if you prevent the batter from riding up.

Once the batter looks dry on the top and the edges begin to turn golden brown, take a long, skinny metal spatula and slide it under all the sides, loosening it from the edge. Then raise up one side, gently grab it with your hands and flip!

Cook for 30-40 seconds on the other side until golden brown. Spread inside with butter and jam, or butter and fresh lemon juice, fold in half, and then in quarters. Sprinkle with powdered sugar on top. And serve immediately

Diese köstliche Speise sind ein vielseitiges Gericht, das jeder genossen werden kann. Sie können herzhaft oder süß serviert werden und bieten eine unendliche Anzahl von Möglichkeiten, wenn es um Füllungen geht. Probieren Sie dieses einfache Rezept aus und experimentieren Sie mit einer Vielzahl von Füllungen, um Ihre Crepe-Kombination zu finden. Bon Appétit!